Allen S Henry Bulding
Exam Policies And Procedures

Test Procedures

Examination Procedures For Students Receiving Accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Resources

When the student is notified of the time and date of the test to be given in the classroom and the student chooses to utilize accommodations, the student has the responsibility to speak with the instructor well before the date of the test. The student should remind the instructor of the accommodation or make-up situation, and both the instructor and the student should agree to the time and date for the student to take the test at the Student Success and Support Center (SSSC)

Examination Procedures for All Students at the SSSC

Once the student and professor have discussed the appropriate date and time for the assessment, the student must make a testing appointment online at least two days (48 hours) prior to the desired date for the test. For students whose accommodations explicitly designate the need for a reader or scribe, test appointments should be scheduled at least three days (72 hours) prior to the assessment.

Assessments in the SSSC can be scheduled for the following times:

Summer Hours

Monday - Friday:  8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Regular Hours

Monday - Thursday:  8 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Friday:  8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

 All assessments must be completed by 6 p.m on Monday - Thursday and by 5 p.m. on Friday.

Appointments are required for all assessments; walk-ins are NOT accepted. For questions about how to make a testing appointment online, please call 321-674-8009 or send an email to

The student must arrive on time on the date that the test is scheduled and may not reschedule without approval of the instructor. The student must bring all necessary materials allowed for the assessment (pencil, pen, calculator, etc.) and be prepared to begin at the appointed time.

The student is not permitted to have any recording or communication devices (laptops, phones, cameras, etc.) in the testing areas. Students who are found to have these devices with them during the assessment will not be permitted to complete the assessment, and the assessment will be turned over to the instructor of record for disciplinary action.

Students are expected to abide by the Academic Honesty Policy in the use of services at the SSSC.

Reasons for Denial of Services

All students must adhere to the university’s Academic Honesty Policy during use of the SSSC.  Academic dishonesty is not tolerated. Any breach of the academic honesty policies will be reported to the course professors and department.

Descriptions of Academic Integrity, Academic Dishonesty, repercussions,  and procedures may be viewed in the Student Handbook under Academic Honesty.

The following are examples of issues that will be reported and cause for future denial of the SSSC services:

  • Using electronic devices during exams (when not expressly approved by the professor or department)
  • Making copies of exams (written or electronic versions)
  • Sharing test questions or answers from an exam with another student
  • Letting another student copy a solution to a homework problem, exam, or lab
  • Taking an exam for another student
  • Assisting in any act of academic dishonesty of another student

Please call the Testing Center at 321-674-8009 with questions or concerns.

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